
Martina Jay

So you want life to feel easier, more fulfilling and more authentic? You want to stop feeling like you're being held back by your own mind? Do you want to stop living your life according to other people's expectations and embody a sense of self-assurance and confidence? You're in the right place! Subscribe to my mailing list for all things personal development and authentic identity embodiment for recovering people pleasers. Let me support you along your way on your healing journey by making small changes that create big impact. (I used to write a weekly newsletter and you can access all published issues below.) | Certified Root Cause Therapy Practitioner | Certified Hypnotherapist | Reiki Master (Level III) | Master NLP Practitioner & Coach | Time Line Therapy Practitioner | Master EFT/TFT Practitioner | Mum of Twins | Recovered People Pleaser | Former Perfectionist | Multi-passionate Manifesting Generator | Embodied Imperfect Human | Empowered Woman šŸ’›

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SCBI#72: The End of the Beginning

The Endā€¦or the Beginning? My dearest readers. Iā€™m going to start by being straight up and telling you that this is going to be my last newsletter of Small Changes, BIG Impact. Maybe just for a little while. Or maybe forever. Iā€™m not yet sure at this point but thatā€™s okay because I donā€™t need to make that decision at this very moment. Time will tell! Why, you wonder? Let me explain. (There is an insight in this newsletter so keep reading. There is something for you to gain here. Just because...

We are a week away from the Spring Equinox and do you know what Spring brings with it? Yes, yes, warmer weather and more sunshine but thatā€™s not what Iā€™m talking about. Iā€™m talking about Spring Cleaning! When it comes to mental health, did you know that physical cleaning and decluttering can have a huge positive impact? And THIS is why decluttering is such a great thing to make a part of your spring season! What Clutter Can Do To Your Life We all know that clutter is annoying. And it looks...

You Are Worth Celebrating As I write this, itā€™s International Womenā€™s Day! So to all the women reading this, I hope you celebrate yourself full out todayā€¦and always! And to all the men reading this, I hope you celebrate the wonderful women in your life too! Celebrating oneself is definitely something many people struggle with ā€“ and that goes for men AND women. Many people feel they arenā€™t worthy. They donā€™t deserve to be celebrated. They arenā€™t quite there ā€˜yetā€™. They often have a thought...

Compassion, Empathy & You Everyone experiences emotions. It's how we function as human beings. And with that truth comes the fact that in life, we often have to deal with not only the emotions that we feel but also the emotions that others experience. And itā€™s no secret that dealing with other peopleā€™s emotions can be a challenge. (I know you agree with me here!) Two very common ways to deal with other peopleā€™s emotions are to evoke compassion and/or empathy. These two responses have a very...

The Misunderstanding About Self-Care Self-care is a word you will hear all over the place. Yes, itā€™s another buzz word that people are throwing around left, right and centre but there is a little (BIG, actually!) misconception when it comes to its effectiveness. A few weeks ago I heard a particular coach, Stephanie D McKenzie, talk about self-care and what she said really struck a chord with me. Itā€™s something that makes so much sense and really encapsulates what I was already thinking but I...

Fear. It has a way of ruining everything. We might feel excited about something. Curious about something. Calm about something. And then this little switch goes off in our minds that initiates that little feeling of fear. And it grows, and grows, and grows until the fear sets in and we no longer are looking forward to doing whatever it is we were looking forward to. Let me share with you a little anagram about fear that will help put it in its place and give you a resource you can turn to the...

Itā€™s half term here next week so that means a week of the kids being home. Any good ideas to keep siblings from arguing with each other? Sound proof boxes? Straight jackets? Sending one child in to work each day with daddy? šŸ˜ In all seriousness though, I do love it when theyā€™re home because soon enough, they wonā€™t want to hang around with mummy anymore so Iā€™m trying to soak it up while I can! Enough about me. Letā€™s get to it! Time and the Productivity Obsession Productivity and getting things...

Is it just me or has this whole past week felt like some crazy never-ending full moon vibe? Everything just felt like it was going wrong, off-kilter or doused in A LOT of emotional energy! It started with a sad loss in the family - my partnerā€™s grandma passed away - and continued with foreign objects in eyes, nurturing a sliced-off finger (not mine!), flat tyres while driving (mine), children acting like bewitched werewolves (mine!) and just riding emotional waves (also mine!). Luckily Iā€™ve...

Iā€™m a BIG fan of audio books. I really value personal time and I do spend a lot of time doing things that please ME but having a quiet place to read is often not something that I get during the day. It happens at night when kids are asleep, Iā€™ve done what I needed to doā€¦and by that time, when I start reading I end up falling asleep after paragraph 2! So you can imagine it takes me AN AGE to finish books sometimes. Listening to them on audio books is a heck of a lot faster for me and I can...

Iā€™ve had what feels like a lazy week because Iā€™ve had a cold that normally is just a runny nose and sinus blocks, but this one has zapped me of all of my energy! No gym, barely sent any Whatsapp messages šŸ˜‚, definitely no socialising, no urge to cook meals and no desire to eat tasty food! (And if you know me, you know that if Iā€™m not interested in eating, something is definitely not right! šŸ˜‰) Iā€™m using all my brain power to write this issue for you this week...and then Iā€™ll probably need a...