
Martina Jay

SCBI#70: You Can't Earn This

Published about 2 months ago • 3 min read

You Are Worth Celebrating

As I write this, it’s International Women’s Day! So to all the women reading this, I hope you celebrate yourself full out today…and always! And to all the men reading this, I hope you celebrate the wonderful women in your life too!

Celebrating oneself is definitely something many people struggle with – and that goes for men AND women.

Many people feel they aren’t worthy. They don’t deserve to be celebrated. They aren’t quite there ‘yet’. They often have a thought pattern or a belief that goes something like this: Once I do (insert your goal here!), THEN I’ll be able to celebrate myself.

It’s a vicious cycle we find ourselves in. Not being able to see that we are worthy of being celebrated no matter what our ‘success’ record might say.

Today is about understanding one clear and simple thing…

You can’t earn worthiness. You can only affirm it.

I want you to read that again and really let it sink in. Because this is all there is to learn from today’s email.

Worthiness Is Inherent

The day you are born, you are worthy. There is nothing you have to do to become worthy. There is nothing specific you have to achieve to become worthy. There is nothing you need to act like, be like, look like, say, do or feel in order to be worthy.

You are worthy. It’s as simple as that.

Worthy of what, you might ask? Simply being worthy as a human being. Being of value. You matter. You get to have a sense of unconditional love and acceptance of yourself.

The problem lies in the truth that many people won’t affirm this themselves. They will want or think that they need to be approved as worthy by others. That it’s something that is earned by other people’s judgements or decisions.

But NO. This is not how it works.

To better understand this, it’s similar to the way we talk about beauty.

Who’s job is it to decide what is beautiful? There isn’t someone outside of yourself who has that responsibility – yet we often give that responsibility away. We hope that someone else will think that we’re attractive, pretty, handsome, good looking before we allow ourselves to possibly agree.

But one person might find something or someone unbelievably beautiful or attractive while to another person, they don’t share that same opinion. So who wins? Whose opinion counts? Who’s to say what is beautiful and what is not?

The Trap

Unfortunately, in the real world we have a habit of letting the negative opinions count. That one person who called you ugly – yeah, that’s the opinion you’re most likely going to take to heart and believe.

What this means is that when someone values you and respects you and at the same time someone else insults you and devalues you, you often end up feeling not good enough.


Because you’ve fallen into the trap of believing that someone else is in charge of your worth. You’ve allowed that person’s opinion (the one who doesn’t see your worth) to overpower the person’s opinion who does. And you’ve allowed that person’s opinion (again, the one who doesn't see your worth) to overshadow your own sense of inherent worth.

This leaves you in a cycle of trying to prove your worth to the world by doing something or being something that you’re really not.

If you’re wanting someone else to validate your worth, it will never last. There is always more to be done. Something else to be achieved. The quest would be never ending. So going back to the basic truth is what will keep out of this never-ending trap.

You can’t earn worthiness. You can only affirm it.

It's Time To Accept It

In order to affirm something, you have to accept it first. You have to realise that you already have it. And when you realise this, life becomes so much easier and you release yourself from the pattern of having to prove yourself to the world.

From the moment you are born, you are deserving, valued and worthy of everything that anyone else is. As you go through life, the experiences you have and the choices you make might try to steer you off the path. Remember that you can always come back to it and affirm your worthiness. And you don’t need ANYONE to agree with you to feel this way.

What a relief, isn't it?

In Summary:

The small change → know that worth is inherent and not something that you have to earn

The big impact → you can stop trying to prove your worth to others and know that you get to embody a sense of unconditional love and acceptance of yourself


Have a great rest of the week!

Martina x

PS - Say this to yourself right now before you close this email. I can’t earn worthiness. I can only affirm it. And I choose to affirm it now. 💛

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Martina Jay

Hypnotherapy & Empowerment | Mind, Body & Energy

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