This is the end...yet only the beginning...

Tomorrow’s the day!

We are at the end of 2022 and at this time of year, it’s the best time to reflect on the year that has gone by. Reflect on what went well, what you want more of…and what you want less of.


Don’t focus on what went wrong.


Focus on what went right.


And with that in mind, here are some great questions to just take some time to reflect on - because, in life, evaluation is key. If you don’t take the time to evaluate things, then it’s a lot harder to make progress and have clarity on how to get more of what you want.

What went well in my personal life?

What went well in my work/career life?

What went well in my relationships?

What was the most challenging part of this year? And why?

How has that made me a stronger/more resilient person?

What was my biggest ‘time waster’ in life this year?

What was my biggest lesson learned/biggest take-away from this year?

What was the best way I used my time this year?

What was the best thing I did for MYSELF this year?

If I could travel back to the beginning of 2022, what advice would I give myself? (And then remember to take this advice into 2023!)

And while I’m not the biggest fan of New Year’s Resolutions (read this blog post to find out why!), rather than setting yourself a New Year’s Resolution - just simply ask yourself:


What is my next challenge I’m setting for myself going to be? (What is important enough to ME that I will dedicate time and effort to it? What excites me?)​

Wishing you all the very best last day of 2022 and may 2023 be filled with the things you love the most…and in regards to the things that you don’t love, here’s to decluttering them as much as possible! 🥂


Happy New Year you beautiful souls!

See you in 2023 with more exciting ways to declutter your life and make it the best life you can imagine. And if you already know that 2023 is the year you will finally declutter your life from the inside out, just reply to this email and we can talk about how I can support you with that.


Now go celebrate. You deserve it.


Ready to let go of the debilitating overwhelm and people-pleasing habits?

​✨ Book your 1:1 Mental & Emotional Detox Session with me for £97 and start your journey to decluttering your mind and your soul.


✨ Work with me as your 1:1 hypnotherapist, coach & healer and skyrocket the quality and sense of ease in your life! Book your free clarity call with me here and let's talk about where you are now and where you'd like to be. Or simply hit reply to this email and say 'More Details' and I'll be in touch with how I could help you.


​✨ Follow me on Linked In or Facebook to keep up to date with my content all about eliminating the debilitating overwhelm in life and creating a life of more ease, peace of mind and inner freedom. 💛




Martina Jay

So you want life to feel easier, more fulfilling and more authentic? You want to stop feeling like you're being held back by your own mind? Do you want to stop living your life according to other people's expectations and embody a sense of self-assurance and confidence? You're in the right place! Subscribe to my mailing list for all things personal development and authentic identity embodiment for recovering people pleasers. Let me support you along your way on your healing journey by making small changes that create big impact. (I used to write a weekly newsletter and you can access all published issues below.) | Certified Root Cause Therapy Practitioner | Certified Hypnotherapist | Reiki Master (Level III) | Master NLP Practitioner & Coach | Time Line Therapy Practitioner | Master EFT/TFT Practitioner | Mum of Twins | Recovered People Pleaser | Former Perfectionist | Multi-passionate Manifesting Generator | Embodied Imperfect Human | Empowered Woman 💛

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