SCBI#59: A Gift That Keeps On Giving

What a week! Some of the highlights have been Christmas social gatherings, doing a liver cleanse (that was full on!), a colonic hydrotherapy (TMI?) and getting all the last bits ready for our trip back home to my family in Canada!

By the time you read this, I'll be in Canada getting ready to board flight number two heading to Newfoundland where my sister lives. I fully plan on jumping in the water with the icebergs for some cold-water therapy. Adventurous or just insane? Not quite sure!

Anyways, let's get on with it because I promised you a present last week!

This week is going to be short and sweet. It's Christmas and for those that celebrate it, you know how overwhelming it can be trying to meet everyone's needs and still keep a ounce of sanity for yourself! 😉

This week, I just want to give you a gift. It's a big-ass document that has 28 different ways to deal with overwhelm, stress and/or anxiety on the spot! Consider this your new toolbox of go-to techniques to deal with those overwhelming feelings when you don't have time to book in a full therapy session or take a weekend to go to the spa to destress.

Oftentimes in life you need ways to deal with stress right away - a temporary fix to get you feeling grounded, collected and calm so you can deal with the situation at hand. I'm going to create an 'official' prettier looking document (and I'll send it to you when it's all ready) but for my Christmas present to my subscribers, I'm sending you the current draft so that you have it on-hand should you need it over the holidays! These tools and techniques are simple but effective if you actually put them into practice.

The reality is that not many people actually use these helpful techniques and they find themselves continually struggling with stress and overwhelm. As it builds and builds, it eventually leads you to burnout or even depression or a mid-life crisis. THIS is what I'm hoping you can all avoid, so please use the techniques. Find your favourites and practice them and notice the difference it can make to your short-term stress and overwhelm management.

From me to you, click the link below to download your free copy and enjoy my gift to you! I appreciate you all and wish you all a Merry Christmas/happy holidays. 🎄🌟

​Download Your Toolkit Here​

In Summary:

The small change → use my 'on-the-spot toolkit' for overwhelm, stress and anxiety

The big impact → it will allow you to manage your stress and get back to feeling calmer, more grounded and more in control so you can deal with what life brings your way




If you know someone that would benefit from reading this, feel free to hit FORWARD and send it to them!

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Martina Jay

So you want life to feel easier, more fulfilling and more authentic? You want to stop feeling like you're being held back by your own mind? Do you want to stop living your life according to other people's expectations and embody a sense of self-assurance and confidence? You're in the right place! Subscribe to my mailing list for all things personal development and authentic identity embodiment for recovering people pleasers. Let me support you along your way on your healing journey by making small changes that create big impact. (I used to write a weekly newsletter and you can access all published issues below.) | Certified Root Cause Therapy Practitioner | Certified Hypnotherapist | Reiki Master (Level III) | Master NLP Practitioner & Coach | Time Line Therapy Practitioner | Master EFT/TFT Practitioner | Mum of Twins | Recovered People Pleaser | Former Perfectionist | Multi-passionate Manifesting Generator | Embodied Imperfect Human | Empowered Woman 💛

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