
Martina Jay

#13: Are you doing too much MUSTerbating?

Published over 1 year ago • 3 min read

What’s with all the musterbation?


And no. It’s not what you think! You see, there’s a crucial difference here. I’ve used a U instead of an A. 😉


Today it’s all about the language you use when you talk to yourself about the things you did or did not do.

The words MUST and SHOULD creep into our language so easily and most of the time, you probably think nothing of it.


But subconsciously, what are you saying to yourself? You’re saying that there are all these things that you are putting pressure on yourself to do. That in order to be your best self, you ‘must’ or ‘should’ do x. That what you’re doing right now isn’t enough.


For example, you might say, ‘I must lose some weight.’


Or, ‘I should be more patient with my kids.'


But why MUST you? Why SHOULD you?


Who made these rules? Who makes the decision of what is best for you? YOU do, right?


So when you continually use the language of must and should you are subconsciously saying to yourself that you are not your ideal self. That there is always a better version that you want to be. A better version that does all these things that you ‘must’ and ‘should’ do.


You find yourself feeling weighed down by all the things you feel you need to be doing and instead of actaully motivationg you to do those things, you just end up feeling like sh*t when you don't. Yet it’s YOU that’s putting that weight on your own shoulders. No one else.

Can you see the catch-22 here?

It’s not that you can’t have goals or things you want to do (I'm a HUGE advocate of goals), but it's about how you communicate this with yourself.


Here’s What To Do Instead


So…the way to get out of this trap is to simply change the language you use.


Instead of using ‘should’ and ‘must’ so often, try replacing it with ‘could’ or ‘prefer’. This way it is a CHOICE that you can make. There is the OPTION to do that…or the option to not.


But if you keep telling yourself you MUST do this, or you SHOULD do this, the expectations you set for yourself pile up and that never feels good.


This isn’t to say that must or should are bad words. (I must finish this email if I want it to reach your inbox in time. That’s a fact! 😉)


It’s only when you use them continually and you consistently put yourself under pressure to ‘be more’ that it becomes an underlying issue.


So stop musterbating and stop shoulding all over yourself 😜 and start using can or prefer instead and see how that feels after a while. I'm willing to bet it will feel much better!

(Side note: I prefer to give credit where credit is due so I have to admit that I borrowed the musterbating term from my hypnotherapy coach Anthony Jacquin. I wish I had come up with it myself!😉)


And before I go...some exciting news!

I wanted to let you know that I’m hosting a workshop & masterclass on February 10th all about the KEY to setting yourself up for success when it comes to leading a decluttered life. And by decluttered, I’m not talking about the mess in your home. I’m talking about the mess and overwhelm in your mind! 🤯


If you value mental freedom and having a sense of direction and clarity in life, then you don’t want to miss this! It doesn’t matter what your current struggles are, there will be something in it for you - I promise!


You must, no wait…you should…oops…you CAN sign up for the workshop using the link below. When you register, you will have access to the replay for a limited time if you can’t make the live. And you’ll also get access to the workbook!

✨ Register for the workshop here! ✨


I can’t wait to see you there. It’s going to be a game changer!


Ready to let go of the debilitating overwhelm and people-pleasing habits?

​✨ Book your 1:1 Mental & Emotional Detox Session with me for £97 and start your journey to decluttering your mind and your soul.


✨ Work with me as your 1:1 hypnotherapist, coach & healer and skyrocket the quality and sense of ease in your life! Book your free clarity call with me here and let's talk about where you are now and where you'd like to be. Or simply hit reply to this email and say 'More Details' and I'll be in touch with how I could help you.


​✨ Follow me on Linked In or Facebook to keep up to date with my content all about eliminating the debilitating overwhelm in life and creating a life of more ease, peace of mind and inner freedom. 💛





Martina Jay

Hypnotherapy & Empowerment | Mind, Body & Energy

So you want life to feel easier, more fulfilling and simply more enjoyable? You want to stop getting in your own way? You want to stop living your life according to other people's expectations and start discovering your own empowerment? Well, you've come to the right place! My newsletter, 'Small Changes, BIG Impact' is all about making life make more sense so that you can have a deeper sense of control within in. We know that life throws us curveballs sometimes but imagine being able to navigate the ups and the downs with more ease and confidence? Imagine feeling empowered, worthy and confident in who you are and what you are here to share? Allow me to help you on your healing journey through making small changes that create big impact. I show up in your inbox every Saturday morning at 9:55am BST. Never Spam, always insightful. | Certified Hypnotherapist | Master EFT/TFT Practitioner | Reiki Master | Master NLP Practitioner | Time Line Therapy Practitioner | Mum of Twins | Recovered People Pleaser | Former Perfectionist | Multi-passionate Manifesting Generator | Empowered Woman 💛

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